Chipotle Pollo Asado vs Chicken


Pollo asado has 30 more calories than normal chicken and slightly more expensive. But it is tasty and worth trying.

Chipotle pollo asado

So this pollo asado has garlic, it has cilantro,  it also has chile de guajillo and of course some fresh squeezed lime juice. so i’m excited to go ahead and try the new flavors that they went ahead and added to this chicken. if you like tracking your calories like i do one thing that i do have to mention is that the pollo asado actually has 30 more calories than the regular chicken. I personally don’t know but maybe it’s because they use the fattier parts of the chicken on the recipe. again that’s just a guesstimation the last and final fact i have to say is that the pollo asado is actually 85 cents more expensive than the regular chicken. 

Pollo Asado

pollo asado has mixed with the natural onion and also cilantro and tomato. it explodes in your mouth. it tastes so delicious. so for normal chicken i’m gonna go ahead and rate it like a seven and give pollo asado an 8.2. is it worth trying? is it worth 85 cents. I believe so

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