Pollo Al Asador


The following dish uses a simple ingredients, which is a mixture of diced and chopped garlic, pepper and salt, making it easier to follow for new cooks and quicker to prepare .This Pollo Al Asador recipe keeps the flavors quite simple, and the combination of chicken, garlic, salt and pepper might sound very simple but Mexicans love dishes like this because they are so rich in fresh produce. Many traditional Mexican recipes are focused on using fresh ingredients and keeping the seasonings simple. This dish makes a great dinner for the family.

Pollo Al Asador


  • very well my people and for my recipe of my Pollo Al Asador roasted chicken. I’m using 8 chicken thighs, skin removed and trimmed of fat.
  • I’m going to add vegetable oil first. Then add lot of diced & chopped garlic paste. add enough garlic. add a lot pepper too and sea salt . use granulated sea salt 
  • Let’s give the chicken a very good bath and keep it couple hours in the fridge. So after couple of hours its marinated. we do not need to add an immensity of ingredients to savor. This roast chicken recipe almost perfect.
  • Set the grill to almost 400 degrees Fahrenheit. That means we are ready to put our Chicken to be roasted on the charcoal grill. grill is already hot. let’s put chicken on the grill. 
  • and let me I share that if we want to achieve the chicken perfect roast, we have to be very but very patient friends. because we have to do most of the time to indirect fire. then well we have to be very patient to give time for it. Mind we are going to achieve the perfect chicken with golden tasty and super juice.
  • Now close the grill and wait half and hour. it is at 200 degrees fahrenheit after half an hour.. but temperature will go up continuously and less than 375-400 degrees fahrenheit .let them sit for a couple of minutes and flip them side to side.

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