Monk fruit vs Swerve


The main difference between Monk fruit and Swerve is monk fruit is a sweetener that made with natural fruit and Swerve is a sugar replacement made with several sugar alcohols like erythritol.

What is monk fruit sweetener?

Monk fruit or lore han guo sweetener made from the extracts of taste fruit. Monk fruit sweeteners get its intense sweetness not from sugars but from compounds found in monk fruits. Monk fruit sweeteners are classified as natural non-nutritive that is zero calorie sweeteners.

For people with diabetes would definitely result in overall better blood glucose control and better health outcomes long term. Because monk fruit sweetener is natural zero calorie sweetener made from extracts of monk fruits and use monk fruit as a minimally or unprocessed. Whole fruit has been used as a natural sweetener and traditional medicinal product for centuries in china and many parts of asia.

Monk fruit sweetener and swerve

What is swerve?

Swerve is a good sugar replacement if you are baking. It taste like sugar and contains no carb or calories. So it won’t increase blood sugar levels too. It includes erythritol and then prebiotic oligosaccharides and then natural flavors. So erythritol and the oligosaccharides are sugar alcohols… Now all sugar alcohols are not created equal but if you’re going to pick the best one for a low carb or a keto program, it is erythritol. It is not causing digestive distress but they’re also putting in oil saccharides which act as a prebiotic or help your digestion or gut health. So they’re kind of doing a double service we’re getting the least effective as far as giving you digestible distress.

Now erythritol again is the best as far as the sugar alcohols as not causing digestive distress but they’re also putting in oil saccharides which act as a prebiotic or help your digestion or gut health. So they’re kind of doing a double service. We’re getting the least effective as far as giving you digestible distress sugar alcohol and we’re also getting the benefit of a product that’s going to help with digestion .So this will be keto low carb friendly but this is also a healthy product as well 


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