CAVA Roasted Eggplant Dip


Roasted egg plant dip from cava includes parsley, onions, tahini, garlic lemon juice & olive oil. It is very it was creamy with bit of sweet taste. Its not vegan but its very healthy snack with pita.

How to choose male and female eggplant

We’re simply going to look at the navels where the stem attached to the eggplant and if that indentation is kind of elongated, sort of a slot shaped or slit shaped that is a female. as opposed to the male eggplant. Which have more of a dot shaped or round indentation. so we’re going to stay away from that shape because that’s female that’s going to have more seeds


Roasted eggplant dip recipe

  • Skin eggplant a few times with the point of a knife. give them a few pokes with  knife. Then roast them on a work in a hot oven or charcoal grill. grilling them on all sides until they basically collapse and get really really soft. 
  • Then transfer them into a mixing bowl & wrap this in foil and just let it kind of sit and steam there for about 15 minutes.
  • And then after 15 minutes what we’ll do is we’ll unwrap it and we’ll let that cool down until we can handle it. At which point we’ll peel off all that skin
  • Once we’ve separated all that beautiful warm eggplant flesh from the skin and stem, we will transfer those perfectly roasted eggplant innards into a mixing bowl where we can mash this and introduce the rest of the ingredients
  • So first up i’m going to add a little bit of crushed garlic as well as a generous amount of salt and mash and smash this down to something that’s pretty creamy yet still has some texture to it.
  • So let’s go ahead and squeeze in some fresh lemon juice and just like every other ingredient in this recipe totally to taste. i’m probably going to use about a lemon and a half and then we want to add a little bit of tahini sauce but not too much. i’m going to start with about two or three tablespoons and then if i want more i’ll add more later.
  • We’re also going to do a little shake of cayenne as well as some extra virgin olive oil,
  • Next add one secret ingredient. i’m going to add couple tablespoons of plain yogurt. It’s an old trick a lebanese friend taught me.
  • We have to wrap this up and chill it completely before the final seasoning. because right now it’s basically room temperature and it’s impossible to taste all the flavors which have not even fully developed yet. so what we want to do is wrap this up and pop it in the fridge for three or four hours or until completely chilled.
  • After few hours, we’ll unwrap it and give it a stir and taste for seasoning .so i went ahead and i adjusted mine with more cayenne and salt. like most vegetable dishes this needs a good amount of salt.
  • Once we are happy with the seasoning we can go ahead and transfer that into some kind of serving vessel. So thats how you make roasted eggplant dip like cava

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